Tosca is about 15 years old. He deserves a post all to himself, but he is a part of this story too. He's pretty blind and deaf now, and he has lost much of his country dog sense. When he used to accompany us on our adventures through the paddocks, we would clamber over the barbed-wire fences with no trouble. Tosca would stalk along the fenceline, and always knew the perfect spot to wriggle under and catch up to us. Nowadays he gets confused because of his eyesight, so it's our job find that perfect spot and peel up the bottom on the fence for him.
They call the American mid-west 'big sky country', and I think it must be just like this. There are always beautiful sunsets back home, and no matter what time of the day it is, it feels like the sky goes on forever. Which I suppose it does.
The sky was extra special on this night, as a storm headed past to wreak some havoc on Melbourne (while missing us completely). We saw lightning on the horizon, and as the sun set lower in the sky, the cranky blue storm clouds softened into pinks and lilacs, and finally a dusty gold.
All these photos are taken by Al, and I want to thank him again for capturing such a beautiful evening.

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